Monday, February 8, 2016

Feather in the new devices, Samsung Galaxy Note, will probably also serve as a stand –


Recently, the Bureau of the registration of patents and trade marks of the USA (United States Patent and Trademark Office, USPTO) has information about how the pen can be used in new smartphones and tablets Samsung Galaxy Note.


As you can see in the image representation, users can get the pen out of the slot by about half, and then bend it at an angle of 90 °, as a result of a smartphone or tablet you can rely on him. In other words, the pen is quite able to perform the role of the stand, and users who often install their devices in such a way may not have to buy special covers.


The figure also shows that when the stylus is formed in the inflection point, a special stud that fixes the pen in the connector and stabilizes the whole construction. Returning stylus original form, you will easily be able to completely hide it in the docking station, or get it for further use.


Source: Patently Mobile


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