Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Robot from Lego helped circumvent copy-protection Kindle - Gadgets and innovative technologies

is known in the West, the problem of copyright protection in the dissemination of information on digital media is very acute. And such popular services like Amazon are investing a lot of money in the creation of special technology for copy protection. Since purchasing the e-book in the online store Amazon and downloading it to the proprietary reader Kindle, the user is unlikely to succeed to copy a file to another device and use it at all out of the reading room.

 DIY Kindle Scanner

However, as is known, any electronic security system can, if desired, avoided. And Austrian Purgatofer named Peter (Peter Purgathofer) managed to do it in a very original way. Professor of the Vienna University of Technology has designed the popular set of simple Lego Mindstorms robot can automatically scan the page of the online reading room for further sampling in the editors text recognition.

In fact, DIY Kindle Scanner – so-called Purgatofer his child – is able to carry out only two operations: one “finger”, he turns the page of the online reading room, and the other – presses the “gap” on the laptop, so he took a picture of the screen with using the built-in webcam (used in the experiment “Makovskaya” camera iSight).

Once the robot is finished, all the resulting images can be sent to the online OCR service, like Free OCR, and, as a result, getting a text file format, available for unlimited distribution.

Though, the Austrian emphasizes that his invention is in no way should be seen as a new way to circumvent copy-protection technology. In the experiment, he used only a single e-book and did not publish any text in the public domain.

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